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If you follow Jesus, you know he has a purpose for you. Explore your role in the meaningful work of sharing the gospel in communities around the world.

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If you follow Jesus, you know he has a purpose for you. Explore your role in the meaningful work of sharing the gospel in communities around the world.

Discover how ARK BEARERS can help you get to the mission field and thrive in life and ministry.

The Ark Bearers come alongside missionaries and their churches to send well so that missionary teams can make a lasting impact.

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Our mission is also to mobilize God's people and engage the unreached in order to establish reproducing churches.

Interested in serving with us?

Connect with one of our coaches and start the conversation.

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When you become a missionary with ARK BEARERS, we will team you up with a missions coach who will take these factors into account to create your customized budget:
The size of your family
The cost of living where you plan to serve
Daily travel needs (Car? Public transportation? Just your feet?)

International travel costs
Daily travel needs (Car? Public transportation? Just your feet?)
Fee for home office functions
Set-up needs (often one lump sum that is raised before you go)

Your mission coach’s guidance will help you build a partner team who will pray for you and give one-time or ongoing donations to cover your budget. Your missions coach will join you on every step of the support-raising journey. When you feel stuck, your coach will be there to offer fresh ideas; when you reach your goal, your coach will be there to celebrate with you.

ARK BEARERS also offers personalized promotional materials, training sessions, and many channels through which your donors can give. The idea of raising support can feel strange; maybe even scary. But missionaries often say that watching God put together a support team ends up being a huge blessing. His timing always proves perfect. He will delight you with unexpected partners, and he will provide in ways you couldn’t have imagined!


Spouse/serious significant other

1. Schedule a sit-down conversation. Don’t just throw the idea out while you’re waiting for the movie to start.

2. Tell your significant other what God has been laying on your heart regarding missions.

3. Ask where he or she would stand as far as going into missions. If this is a new idea, you don’t have to get into the nitty-gritty (where, how long, how would we educate our kids) at this point. Think big picture.

4. Be prepared to calmly and compassionately talk through fears, doubts, or objections.

5. Ask your spouse or significant other to commit to pray about this idea, both together and separately. 6. Make totally clear that you understand that both people need to be on board if a married couple is to serve overseas. Don’t move forward together without unity each step of the way.

Parents/immediately family

1. Schedule a sit-down conversation. Don’t just throw the idea out as you pass through the kitchen eating a banana.

2. Share with your family members why you think God may be calling you into missions. Don’t end the conversation after you’ve shared! Ask them how they feel about the possibility of you serving in missions. Stay sensitive; this can be hard for close family members, especially if there are grandchildren, nieces or nephews involved.

3. Let them ask questions. This may be totally new to them—they may not understand “missions” as you do, they may not understand that God calls ordinary people. Don’t get defensive if they seem to have tons of objections.

4. If you have been talking with a mission or mission representatives, get information about the mission. Be informed so that you can answer your family members’ questions. They will want to know about safety, medical issues, whether you will be part of a team, etc.

5. If they have questions that you don’t know the answers to (and they probably will), tell them that you will do more research and get back to them. Show that you value their feelings and input by following through. Don’t commit to unknowns (for instance, how long you will serve).


1. Schedule a sit-down conversation. Don’t just throw the idea out while you’re passing out bulletins on Sunday morning. (Are you sensing a theme here?)

2. Explain that you feel God may be leading you into missions. Church leadership can provide wise counsel and affirm gifting. Some questions to ask your pastor or missions committee: Do they see qualifications in you for missions? Where do they think you need to grow? Can the pastor and/or the church help you in that area? What advice do they have for you? Is there anyone else they suggest you talk to?

3. Larger churches might offer a missionary preparation program. Ask what is involved and what you need to do to get started. 4. If your church is not very familiar with missions, you may want to work with a mission agency that can help provide resources for the church — without taking the place of the church!


At ARK BEARERS, our passion is to help you thrive in life and ministry as a missionary among the unreached. As you explore God’s leading, here are a few questions that can help determine whether you’re ready to go and how ARK BEARER’s mission coaches and your local church can help you grow toward being sent.

Your story: Missionaries lead others to follow Jesus. What is your personal story of hearing and responding to the Good News of Jesus and his offer of salvation?

Your life: Your daily, personal walk with the Lord equips you to serve as a good ambassador for God in any culture. How would you describe your relationship with Jesus?

Your church: Local churches play the primary role in sending and caring for missionaries. When you discuss your interest in missions with your church leaders, how have they encouraged you to pursue God's leading?

Your beliefs: Serving alongside a great team—a team you are excited about and can work with in unity—can help you and your ministry thrive. What are your thoughts about ARK BEARER's statement of faith?

Your faith: Joining God in his mission to reach the unreached means relying on him to provide for all your needs. How do you feel about placing your faith in God for his provision and raising financial support?